April 2024

Top 4 Farmers Markets in Bakersfield

Need a refresher by the end of your week at Bakersfield? Join us at the Farmer Markets in Bakersfield. Farmer’s market is not only a way to facilitate local buyers but also to support local businesses that may be tiny but make the backbone of any town. The local vendors are rewarded for their efforts while the customers get fresh stuff at a meager price. One of the most amazing things about...

Things to do in Bakersfield – April 2024 Edition

Each month has a symbolic presence for us all throughout the year. What does April resonate with? Fool's Day? Not in Bakersfield. Things to do in Bakersfield in April proves that! In Bakersfield, April is marked with a ton of fun things to do around town. The only fools in April are those who choose to miss this fun. If you don't want to be one, read ahead!  Let's explore things to do in Bakersfield -...

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