Real Estate

Part 1: Graham Grove’s New Bakersfield Construction Project by Woodside Homes

Newbie in the Bakersfield real estate market? Looking for your new home in this scattered sea of Bakersfield's new construction projects? Well, say no more! Stop the head-scratching and stay with us in this two-part blog about Graham Grove to make your perfect pick. Construction in Bakersfield is on the rise, getting the perfect house within your budget can be a challenge but not if you have help, and in...

Offering On More Than One Property

A number of sellers entering the real estate market are a treat for new buyers who are always looking for convenient properties on their budget. The buzz and excitement of buying along with the fear that you may lose a good property makes people start offering on more than one property. But does the fear subside after? Absolutely not! The fear becomes even more intense then. What if both offers are...

Seller Stays In Possession Of Property After Closing Escrow: What Next??

What is Seller Stays in Possession document? Well, You might come across situations where shifting your belongings is delayed as a seller right after closing the escrow. There can be hundreds of reasons for such scenarios. You want to sell your house but at the same time, you are unable to move and give your space to the buyer right away because you have to find yourself another space. So, what can you...

Facts about Buying Real Estate in 2023

Considering 2023 to be a turnaround year for buying real estate, it is implied by real estate experts that the market will once again see a shift compared to the previous year. Investing in real estate has no fixed pathway or process which can be understood and predicted by putting two and two together. The market is unpredictable. The only thing that beginner investors of housing need to get their heads...

Buying a House in 2023: Things to Remember

Still planning on moving to Bakersfield and buying a house? Of course, you are, Bakersfield CA is a great place to live, that’s why you are here and read the first Part. In the first part, we sprinkled the initial steps of buying a house in Bakersfield, California, we are continuing this blog with the next steps of house buying. So, as the previous blog was all about how to be qualified for buying a...

Buying a House in 2023: Taking the Right Steps

This is your year to invest and buy your own house. Why wait? 2023 is the perfect time for you to step into your house and think about buying a house.. Searching for and buying a house in Bakersfield is not a hassle-free process. Especially, when you are on a specific budget. However, this process can be eased with the right steps in the real estate market. So, how can one buy affordable real estate in...

Buying a House in 2023: Stepping Into Your House

You have gone through the crucial parts of our guide for buying a house in 2023, moving to Bakersfield, or relocating to Bakersfield. Great! You are one step closer to your house now. Assuming that you already have followed the steps mentioned in both part 1 and part 2 of the guide which means… You are nearly a part of Bakersfield real estate Yay!😊 I tailored this guide in a way that getting your...

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