Comparing FHA vs. Conventional Loans with Dan Ardis – Bakersfield Real Estate

 Thinking about getting your home finally in Bakersfield real estate? Have an FHA loan, well you are in luck, the information that I am to bestow upon you is like a gift for buyers with FHA loans. Here we get into the nitty gritty of FHA vs. Conventional Loan. 

In this piece of writing, I’ll briefly go through a comparison between FHA and conventional loans and in this comparison, I am not alone, in the live stream that we held about it. Dan Ardis from Joaquin Valley Mortgage was accompanying me.

The comparison and the news that was covered in this stream or article were all thanks to Dan Ardis who was in charge of that stream in this case.

Anyway, without any further ado, how about we get to it?

Good News for Buyers with FHA Loan! 

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What Exactly are these Changes in Comparison with other Loans?

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Usually when buying a house a client that puts 5-10 % down payment ends up with a better interest rate of about 0.50% annually.

With the FHA loan, you only put in a 3.5% down payment and can enjoy an annual interest rate of 0.55%, which if you think about it, is way better than 0.85%.

Of course in numbers, 0.50 is better than 0.55% but you need to put in more down payment and if you put in more than 10% you’ll still get a 0.50% interest rate, but the good part about this is, that it will go away in 11 years.

These numbers are for buyers with a mortgage term of over 15 years.

FHA vs. Conventional Loan

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FHA Loan Appraisal Policy

Aymanejed / Pixabay

Another good thing about the FHA loan is its appraisal policy. Say you did an appraisal for a house but the deal didn’t work out because of issues with the house or some other reason.

So, for a few months, maybe 3-6, I am not so sure, the appraisal will stay with the specific so if another buyer does an appraisal on the same house, then you’ll get a refund from FHA.

Can you Swap between an FHA loan and a Conventional Loan?

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Swapping loans, especially after the appraisal is not easily possible unless you are an escrow because both have different standards and the buyer needs to be educated beforehand so he can opt for the perfect loan.

For example, if the house is in really good shape and the buyer thinks that it will be approved, then FHA is the way to go, otherwise conventional is your best bet.

Why FHA can hold its own in the Real Estate Market.

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Conventional Mortgage Insurance

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Mortgage insurance in conventional is based on all the factors of the loan, it means if you are putting a downpayment of 10%, your mortgage insurance will be less, and on the other hand if you put down 5%, it will be more.

So, if you have about 20% down you would want to opt for conventional because you’ll have no mortgage insurance at all. However, this is kind of a misconception, you need to shoot for 3% as a first-time home buyer and 5% as a buyer who already owned a home before.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can you have two FHA loans at once?
  2. The simple answer is Yes but under a few circumstances, a buyer can have another FHA loan under special circumstances, for example, a person who is now divorced and owns a home with their spouse but now they are separate so they can again apply for the FHA loan.
  3. Can you buy a duplex, threeplex, or fourplex with FHA?
  4. Yes, you can buy up to a fourplex with your FHA loan but you need to live in one of them.
  5. What are the Minimum Credit Score limits for FHA and Conventional?
  6. For FHA it’s 580 and up but for a better loan 620 and up. On the other hand, the Conventional minimum starts from 620 and up.

If your score is less than 500, you first need to get those issues fixed with credit repair e.g. paying off debts, consistent paychecks, or something like that.

A good lender or realtor can help you with this and can make a plan for you for credit score recovery. Which eventually will land you in a home in Bakersfield real estate.

Want to know how much can you exactly afford? Check out this blog!


The Bakersfield real-estate market is easy to get through if you have the right information and guidance. With this article, I covered the differences between, FHA vs. Conventional Loan

I tried to list everything that you need to know about both the FHA vs. Conventional Loan, from downpayment to credit scores, you’ll find everything.

Overall, the FHA loan is bringing along good news for everyone they just want you to have a house even if you are a new buyer. However, the criteria can be strict in some places like an inspection.

On the other hand conventional is leaning more towards veteran buyers.

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